New historical discovery: the change in development terminology from 1821 to 2012

This helpful development map (HT the Blattmanoriginal)  from 1821 shows by comparing country labels then and now the evolution of development terminology: 1821 label => 2012 label

Savage => Fragile States

Barbarous => Low Income

Half Civilized => Developing Country

Civilized => Emerging Market

Enlightened => G8

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Awesome graphic: Earth's center of economic gravity returning to location of 1 AD

One major caveat: the projection from 2010 to 2025 is not to be trusted, based on the dubious assumption that China's rapid growth will continue (that one will require a whole future post).

Sources: this version of this widely circulated graphic is taken from WSJ. Personal HT to Chris Blattman, where I first saw it.

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